Dec 20, 2008

A Very Merry Xmas

It's almost Christmas. We have an incredible work load right now with our new CD in the mastering and pressing stage and a radio and press campaign to follow plus promoting the Cabin Fever Musicfest on Jan. 30th. I'll be running around buying gifts all the way up to the 25th!
Ah well, it's a marvelous time and we are happy to be so busy. Also working on LOTS of shows for the new year so keep your eye on the calendar.
Merry Xmas

Nov 9, 2008

New Day

Welcome to the NEW Rusty Wright Band Blog. This will be a whole new and much improved version which was originally started on as "The Wrightstuff". Laurie, Rusty and the band will keep you up to date on the workings and happenings surrounding our music and our endeavors.
We're finishing the new CD "Playin' with Fire" which will be released for 2009 and doing a complete rebuild of our website
The new site will have this blog plus music, merchandise, photos and LIVE video.
Sign up for the mailing list to be notified when it all goes live.

Talk to ya soon!
