At the start of each year I look back over the previous one and realize how much we have to be thankful for. For more than four years now we've been pouring every ounce of energy and every penny we have into developing the band and our Sadson Music record label. We are thankful for the opportunities that have come our way and are very grateful to the many people and organizations who have helped us make it a little further down the road. Listing everyone individually would take days - but if you're reading this and you have attended one of our shows, sent a kindly-worded email, shared advice and expertise, worked with us, offered to forward promotional materials or helped us out in some other way, please know your support, generosity and many acts of kindness both large and small are much appreciated.
We're pleased with the progress we've made and are optimistic that 2009 will be a banner year for the Rusty Wright Band. We are really, really geeked about our new CD and we can't wait to hear your feedback on the new songs. We originally hoped to complete the album last March but, as the saying goes, "sh$% happens." It was a year of transition for both the band and for us personally. It seemed like a roller coaster ride at times, but it definitely was never boring. We're learning to accept that everything happens for a reason and that having things turn out differently than we had hoped is often better in the long run.
An update for those of you who braved the nasty, nasty weather to participate in the filming of our concert back in September - the concert dvd is still being edited since mixing and mastering the new cd took precedence over the video project, but it will get done. Video clips from the show have been posted to YouTube and our website, and now that the cd is done hopefully we can work on getting the dvd finished too.
I don't think anyone remains unaffected by the financial crisis our nation is facing. Particularly here in Michigan. Not a week goes by where we don't hear from someone we know telling us about a job loss. It's heartbreaking. We are also hearing whispers that some long-established music festivals may not be back in 2009. I hope these events find a way to forge ahead. I think people are going to need to healing power of music more than ever.
Financially, Rusty and I have always walked a bit of a tightrope. Probably always will. It kind of comes with the territory when you choose to immerse yourself in the music business, but I don't think either of us would trade the life we've chosen for guaranteed financial security if it meant we couldn't continue making music. I'm grateful for what we have, and what we have is... enough. We have enough work to keep a modest roof over our heads, enough to eat and usually enough to share - but not so much that we take any of it for granted. We have enough good humor to balance our perspective when things don't go right, and misfortune and sadness touches our lives just often enough to remind us to appreciate any good fortune that comes our way, and to cherish the good people who are part of our lives.
May you also have... enough.