Yesterday was off to a good start. I finished the full page ad for the IBC booklet. That's the International Blues Challenge in Memphis Tennessee. It's a yearly competition sponsored by the Blues Foundation.
Blues bands from all over the world compete in local competitions sponsored by area Blues Societies (There are hundreds of them) then the winner from each local competition sponsored by their society goes to Memphis to spend 3 days cuttin' heads until they get down to the final winner.
It's a fantastic time and Laurie & I have been down twice. We competed the first time and were judges the second time.
This year our agent will be there pitching and schmoozing for the band. Every promoter and blues genre radio and press guy in the world will be there. It's really a great time to network and connect with people in the business.
I'm hoping the full page ad in the IBC program will be another seed in their minds as we start pushing the "Playin' with Fire" CD. The booklet is given out to thousands of people during the event and it really makes a big impact.
Today will be spent on the phone pitching the act to our Michigan festival and Theater promoters then rehearsal with the band tonight in preperation for the Jan. 30th show.
Ah the glamorous life of a musician! LOL Ah well, as long as it gets me on the stage to play for you it's fine by me. Have a good one!